News Archive
The advanced earthquake early warning system secty lifePatron® has detected in capital city Mexico City the 300 km distant Mexican Earthquake from March 21, 2012 and released a so called “Pretrigger” (preliminary...[περισσότερα]
The Mexican airline "Aero Mexico" installed in the main building in Mexico City the earthquake warning system secty lifePatron®.[περισσότερα]
On the occasion of the opening of the new catastrophe precautions project of Johanniter German Secretary of State Guido Westerwelle on Sunday, 17th of July 2011 has handed the German advanced earthquake early warning system...[περισσότερα]
The famous Greek earthquake expert Professor Dr. Papadopoulos has tested at National Observatory of Athens Institut of Geodynamics during the European earthquake research project SAFER (2006‐2009) the advanced earthquake...[περισσότερα]
Niederlassung der Emerson Technologies GmbH&Co.OHG Dietzenbach [περισσότερα]