
News Archive

Thursday, 03. June 2010 The secty lifePatron system has given an alarm of an aftershock in Haiti

In the night of February 23, 2010 the secty lifePatron system has given an alarm of an aftershock in Haiti and has warned approximately 5000 people. [more]

Thursday, 03. June 2010 At short notice on Haiti an advanced earthquake early warning system was installed to capture aftershocks

Port au Prince The companies sectyelectronics GmbH and SiRcom, producer of high capacity sirens, have delivered  a complete advanced earthquake early warning system to Haiti. This project was organized and conducted by...[more]

Monday, 09. November 2009 Advanced earthquake early warning systems were officially handed over to representatives of the Pakistani Government

Together with the German ambassador in Pakistan Dr. Koch and Dr. Jürgen Clemens from Malteser Internationally as well as the manager of the secty electronics GmbH, Jürgen Przybylak, the 4 finished...[more]

Monday, 09. March 2009 Earthquake system gives the alarm in Pakistan, Kashmir a few seconds before the destructive S-wave reached the people!

Therefore it was proved first that also a cost-efficient system detects the P wave and alarms.[more]

Friday, 10. July 2009 sectyelectronics Oder from the German Goverment – Department of State “Humanitäre Hilfe”

In cooperation with Malteser International 4 German facilities should be equipped in earthquake-threatened countries with the earthquake early warning system secty lifePatron.[more]

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