News Archive
In the night of February 23, 2010 the secty lifePatron system has given an alarm of an aftershock in Haiti and has warned approximately 5000 people. [more]
Port au Prince The companies sectyelectronics GmbH and SiRcom, producer of high capacity sirens, have delivered a complete advanced earthquake early warning system to Haiti. This project was organized and conducted by...[more]
Together with the German ambassador in Pakistan Dr. Koch and Dr. Jürgen Clemens from Malteser Internationally as well as the manager of the secty electronics GmbH, Jürgen Przybylak, the 4 finished...[more]
Therefore it was proved first that also a cost-efficient system detects the P wave and alarms.[more]
In cooperation with Malteser International 4 German facilities should be equipped in earthquake-threatened countries with the earthquake early warning system secty lifePatron.[more]