News Archives
mercredi, 24. septembre 2014
Redundant earthquake warning system in Moldova installed.[En savoir plus]
mercredi, 05. mars 2014
GIZ à Quito a changé le bâtiment et a réinstallé le système d'avertissement de tremblement de terre dans le nouveau bâtiment.
jeudi, 03. octobre 2013
secty electronics GmbH presented itself first on this year's Aachen
SeDIF-Conference from September 26-27, 2013 with his advanced earthquake early warning system secty lifePatron.[En savoir plus]
mardi, 13. août 2013
SeDIF Conference
September 26th. to 27th. 2013 in Germany, Aachen[En savoir plus]
lundi, 24. juin 2013
Successful installation in Greece - Rhodes
The Greek secty electronics partner has installed 4 earthquake warning systems along with Dr. Gerasimos Papadopoulos of the Institute of Geodynamics, National Observatory of Athens.[En savoir plus]
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